How to convert Verilog to btor2 or aiger format

For your reference, below are the scripts I used for yosys.

Verilog to Btor2:

read_verilog -formal <verilog-file>
prep -top <top-module>
memory -nomap
hierarchy -check
setundef -undriven -init -expose
sim -clock <clock-name> -reset <reset-name> -rstlen <reset-cycle> -n <simulation-cycle> -w <top-module>
write_btor  -s <btor-name>

For memory command, use memory -nomap if you want to keep array sort in Btor2, otherwise, use memory or memory -nordff to “word-blast” Verilog array.

Verilog to AIGER

read_verilog -formal <verilog-file>
prep -top <top-module>
memory -nordff
setundef -undriven -init -expose
sim -clock <clock-name> -reset <reset-name> -rstlen <reset-cycle> -n <simulation-cycle> -w <top-module>
delete -output
abc -fast -g AND
write_aiger -zinit <aiger-file>

The option -zinit is usually not necessary (it creates an equivalent circuit where all flip-flops are initialized to 0), unless you need to interprete the inductive invariant generated by the pdr command from abc. delete -output is necessary as it removes the original output which could mess up with the output of bad states and constraints used in AIGER.

Hongce Zhang
Hongce Zhang
Assistant Professor in Microelectronics Thrust

My research interest is on hardware formal verification.